First let me state that not all psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis sufferers will be affected by nightshade vegetables. Here is a concise overview from the whfoods website of nightshades and why they can have an adverse affect on people, and especially people with auto immune disorders where inflammation inducing foods causes internal havoc.
“Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, and cayenne peppers are classified as nightshade foods. A particular group of substances in these foods, called alkaloids, can impact nerve-muscle function and digestive function in animals and humans, and may also be able to compromise joint function. Because the amount of alkaloids is very low in nightshade foods when compared with other nightshade plants, health problems from nightshade foods may only occur in individuals who are especially sensitive to these alkaloid substances.
Since cooking only lowers alkaloid content of nightshade foods by about 40-50%, highly sensitive individuals may want to avoid this category of food altogether, while non-sensitive individuals may be able to eat these foods, especially in cooked form, without problem. Green and sprouted spots on potatoes usually reflect high alkaloid content, even though the green itself involves the presence of chlorophyll, not alkaloids. For this reason, sprouted areas should always be thoroughly removed before potato cooking, or the potatoes should be discarded altogether.”
How do you find out if nightshades are a contributory factor to your psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis?
I am afraid there is no easy way to know bar doing an elimination test. Totally stop eating nightshades of any kind for 3 weeks. Keep a journal and note how your skin feels and looks every day for 3 weeks. If you have psoriatic arthritis then note how painful your joints are every day (give the pain a mark out of 10). After three weeks indulge yourself with a massive nightshade meal and track how you react over the next two days. If you notice no difference then you are able to handle nightshades. If you are unlucky and notice a difference in how you feel or look then you are unfortunate and must avoid nightshades at all stages if possible.
On the plus side for people who can’t tolerate nightshades , you can refer back to my 50 day nightshade challenge for plenty of night shade free recipes and life will all be swell again:-). By the way I have done the nightshade elimination diet and I seem to be ok with them but just to be cautious I only eat them in moderation.
So what sort of nightshade free recipes can you expect?
In the following 50 days, I can not guarantee that I will have tried all the recipes that are posted. However they will have been chosen for the following reasons;
1. They made me lick my lips
2. They are a perfect substitute for common dishes that nightshade lovers crave
Nightshade Free Marinara Sauce Recipe
Servings: 6-8
Prep + Cook = 40 minutes
1 onion, diced
1-2 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil
5 carrots, sliced
1-2 medium beet, peeled and diced into small-medium chunks
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 -2 cups water or stock
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar (optional)
1. Saute the onions in oil in a medium to large saute pan. It helps to have something that has a lid. Cook onions until soft, about 5-8 minutes. Add the carrots, beet chunks and about 3/4-1 cup water. The smaller you make the beets, the faster they will cook.
2. Cover and cook veggies over medium-low heat or at a simmer. Cook until the beets are soft, about 20-25 minutes. Check on them periodically to make sure there is still some water in the pan and they are not burning.
3. When beets are cooked through, add about 1/2-1 cups more water, herbs, salt and pepper. Using a hand blender (or transferring to a blender), blend veggies with water until smooth. Add more water if needed to make a marinara-like consistency. Add more herbs or salt to taste. If you would like some tang, add the lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to make it more acidic like tomato sauce.
This keeps well in the fridge and it makes a pretty big batch. I’ve been using some for dinner the night I make it, then freezing half the batch in a couple containers for future use. However, it keeps in the fridge for over a week.
Many thanks to for this awesome recipe and image.
Find more recipes on Smart Psoriasis Diet 30 Minute Meals Recipe eBook