Possible breakthrough – Psoriasis and Skin Nerve Endings link

Possible breakthrough – Psoriasis and Skin Nerve Endings link

I am signed up to a number of different medical news sources to try and stay on top of the latest studies and breakthroughs in psoriasis understanding and treatments. Unfortunately the usual stories I see are some scam article trying to send me to a 30 dollar “cure psoriasis” ebook! However sometimes I stumble across some interesting stories that are indeed news to me:-)

Below is a link to an interview with Doctor Nicole L. Ward, PhD, tenured Associate Professor of Dermatology and Neurosciences at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She has received a research grant to further pursue the connection between Psoriasis and the nervous system. She quoted that one of the main reasons for research into this area was “the striking finding that psoriasis undergoes remission following loss of innervation, nerve function or nervous system injury provides compelling evidence of a contributory role for nerves in sustaining disease.”

Here is the interview http://www.news-medical.net/news/20130927/Psoriasis-and-the-nervous-system-an-interview-with-Dr-Nicole-Ward-Case-Western-Reserve-University.aspx

John Redfern

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