do you want to fast track your natural psoriasis healing Journey?
How To Quickly Control Your Psoriasis Through Delicious and Nutritious Green Smoothies That Can Be Prepared In Under 5 Minutes & Help Return Your Body To Its Optimal Healing PH Level!
I used to think I was fit but still I could not control my psoriasis flare ups…
I was 14 when I had my first psoriasis flare up. One guttate psoriasis spot appeared just under my belly button (which my doctor first diagnosed as ringworm!) and I remember it stayed just one spot for about 2 weeks.
Then it just multiplied like a raging uncontrollable forest fire to cover my whole body from top to bottom. My scalp, forehead, face, arms, legs, hands, back, torso and toes. There was no hiding place from this unforgiving condition.
For a further 16 years I believed my life was over. Psoriasis basically ruled all my decisions.
- No sun holiday as I was too embarrassed to expose my skin
- No team sports as I was too embarrassed to have a communal shower in the changing rooms
- No socialising as I could not deal with the embarrassment of having people comment on my facial or hand psoriasis.
- No intimate relationships due to the low self esteem caused by my ever present psoriasis
Introducing My First Psoriasis Breakthrough Moment
At the age of 29 I decided enough was enough…
I had no exact idea what I was doing but I know that the first thing I had to experiment with was my diet. I had seen enough clues over the course of my life that eating a healthy balanced diet had a positive effect on my psoriasis.
So I gave up alcohol…
I quit smoking….
And I introduced green smoothies to my diet every day!
I made no other major changes to my diet bar introducing the green smoothies and quitting the booze and cigarettes. I still continued to eat bread, meat and some processed foods.
I would just drink the green smoothie three times a day with my regular meals.
Now, because I was drinking the green smoothie with my meals, it did mean that I was fuller quicker, so my meal portions got smaller and I felt fuller longer.
What Were The Results Of The Experiment?
At the start of the experiment, I had 60% coverage of psoriasis on my body.
After 3 weeks, the psoriasis on my forehead, ears, nose and neck had disappeared.
My nail psoriasis was starting to improve drastically and I could see a beautiful light pink healthy colour finally coming through from the nail beds.
Not only that, but I used to suffer from a strange type of “brain fog” where I found it hard to concentrate or I would feel intense anxiety for no apparent reason.
After 6 weeks, I 99% cleared all psoriasis from my hands. This was a HUGE achievement for me as I had daily meetings at work where I always felt insecure about my appearance and now no one could tell I had psoriasis.
The results were astonishing.
I still had approx 25% coverage on my body and legs, but all skin visible to the public was clear, and I got rid of that annoying brain fog!
How The Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan Came To Be...
So now I had conclusive proof that diet did indeed affect my psoriasis.
But I still had 25% coverage. While I was happy with the huge improvement, I wanted more!
It was then I looked back over all my life and mapped out different times in my life when my psoriasis disappeared or had shown vast improvement.
The results were interesting.
I found a correlation between diet, stress and sunshine.
It was a balancing act between these three factors. When I had a good diet, low stress and regular sunshine or vitamin D3 supplements, my psoriasis was below 5% coverage.
It it got out of balance, my skin would erupt!
Now that I have been practising what I preach for 8 years, I have proven to myself numerous times that this works.
The Smart Psoriasis Diet 3 Key Areas
These are the three key Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan areas you must focus on to control your psoriasis.
Stress Management. According to our survey, 84% stated stress aggravates their psoriasis
Vitamin D3. Historial records showed when I was Vitamin D deficient, my skin was worse
Psoriasis Friendly Diet. Psoriasis cannot live in a healthy body. Use food as medicine to control our skin
Knowing your psoriasis triggers is half the battle
My main psoriasis triggers are beer, bad diet and poor stress management.
I am in control of the choices I make when it comes to consuming beer or unhealthy foods but unfortunately I still get work related stress and this can lead to a 10% coverage until I get it back under control.
However, 10% coverage is still fine with me compared to when I had 60% on average all of the time, and up to 95% coverage at my worst!
Even now, I have systems in place where I verbally acknowledge that I am stressed, I find and eliminate the stressor (as much as is possible) and I introduce my green smoothie once daily in conjunction with using my psoriasis friendly meal plans and recipes to ensure I have my psoriasis under control within 6 to 8 weeks.
This removes the vicious stress cycle of psoriasis, whereby once you have a flare up, you are then stressed out by its appearance along with how it affects your daily life but worst of all, not knowing when it will go away or subside again.
The best thing is that now I understand how my body works, so I do not panic. I get back into my healthy routine and within 6-8 weeks my skin is back under control.
It’s such a great feeling knowing that I am in control of my psoriasis, and not my psoriasis in control of me.
Incorporating a Green Smoothie once a day during a bad flare up is the best medicine you can take to get it under control as quickly as possible.
Why Green Smoothies Work
What You Need To Know About Green Smoothies
One of the biggest issues with making green smoothie is knowing the best ingredients to include and the ingredients NOT to include, while at the same time not compromising on taste!
Therefore, I am proud to introduce my new eBook...
Smart Smoothies For Psoriasis eBook
This eBook includes 20 of my favourite Green Smoothie recipes which are packed with flavor as well as all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals required to kick start your psoriasis diet and control your skin condition once and for all.
- Why Green Smoothies and Juicing Are So Important To Controlling Your Psoriasis
- A Simple To Follow Green Smoothie Measurement Guide To Follow To Ensure You Never Stray Too Far Into Dangerous Smoothie Territory Which Can Actually Make Your Psoriasis Worse
- Further Green Smoothie Essential Reading And Tips
- 1Smart Smoothies: 20 of my favorite Green Smoothie Recipes which can kick start your psoriasis diet
- 2See Big Improvements: Green Smoothies can not only improve your psoriasis but any other general health issues you may be suffering from
- 3Food As Medicine: Drinking these Green Smoothies once a day, in conjunction with following a the Smart Psoriasis Diet plan is the quickest way to get your psoriasis under control once and for all.
What People Are Saying About The Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan
“I know your diet works for more than just my skin”
Hi John,
I just thought I'd let you know that a combination of your diet, and turmeric/cinnamon and Sorion cream and Instituto Espanol Atopic Skin Deep care cream, has seen my psoriasis almost disappear, even Christmas didn't result in too much of a flare up. I know your diet works for more than just my skin and when I stick to it I feel better but I also the tumeric/cinnamon in my porridge and my black coffee and the liberal application of both creams has also helped.
I just wanted to share this with you.
Eva M.
Smart Psoriasis Diet 30 Minute Meals & 7 Day Meal Plan Buyer
How Much Does Smart Smoothies Cost?
If you struggle to get the right amount of vegetables and fruit into your daily diet and your psoriasis just never seems to get better, then this is the perfect way to kick start a psoriasis friendly diet the smart way. Green Smoothies was how I first stumbled upon using diet to help my psoriasis and I urge you to try it out for yourself. You can buy Smart Smoothies today for $19.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Voted Top Psoriasis Blogger In 2017 & 2018
John Redfern
Founder Of Smart Psoriasis Diet
About the Author
I figured out my Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan through long hours researching and lots of trial and error. The aim of my plan was to find the most effective way to gain control of my psoriasis with the least amount of effort required. Thankfully, I now understand the relationship between diet, vitamin d and stress levels and how it contributes to the state of your psoriasis. If I can control my psoriasis, then you can too.
Why you should be excited to use this recipe book
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions.
Is It Essential To Buy This eBook To Follow The Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan
This Smart Smoothies For Psoriasis Recipe Book is a standalone book for anyone who is either considering to follow a psoriasis friendly diet or they are currently following one but are not seeing quicker results they had hoped for. However in saying that, all the information you need to follow a psoriasis friendly diet is covered in my free Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan eBook. This eBook covers Green Smoothies in full details and lists 20 of my favorite recipes which are both tasty and can be used to quicken up the psoriasis healing phase.
Do I Need An Expensive Blender To Make These Green Smoothies
When I first started out using Green Smoothies in 2009, I used a 600w Blender that I bought for less than $50. It lasted for more than 2 years and did all I needed it to do! These days I have a more expensive 1000w blender. I recommend getting the highest wattage blender possible for your budget.
Can I Use Frozen Vegetables In The Green Smoothies
Yes! It is impossible to always use fresh vegetables so while it is better to use fresh vegetables as much as possible, feel free to substitute frozen vegetables whenever you need to. Frozen veggies are better than no veggies
I Tried Green Smoothies Before But It Made My Psoriasis Worse!
I receive this email on a fairly frequent basis and was one of the main reasons why I created the Smart Smoothies For Psoriasis Recipe eBook. The simple answer here is that you must understand the right ratios of Vegetables to Fruit to use in your Green Smoothies. You cannot expect your psoriasis to get better if you eat blueberry Smoothies every day for 2 weeks! You will in fact cause a huge flare up. So even though blueberries are classed as a superfood, too much of this particular type of berry is bad for you. However, in moderation and mixed with the right vegetables, it is perfectly acceptable.
Here Is What You Get In The Smart Smoothies Recipe eBook
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You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If are not happy with my Smart Smoothies Recipe eBook for any reason, just let me know and I'll send you a prompt refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Before You Start Seeing Improvements In Your Psoriasis
How Much Fruit Can I Eat
How Much Can I Expect To Spend On Fresh Veggies And Fruit Per Week?
I Tried A Psoriasis Friendly Diet Before And It Didn't Work
What If I Do Not Like Your Recipes
Can I Contact You If I Have Any Psoriasis Related Questions
P.S.: Introducing green smoothies into my life was the catalyst for founding the Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan. Remember, psoriasis cannot live in a healthy body.
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