Turmeric Psoriasis Treatment
Commonly referred to as the Indian saffron due to its characteristic golden color and the anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is an effective anti-inflammatory and has long been used in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine. Curcumin – the active ingredient in turmeric – is a potent antioxidant known to reduce inflammation while at the same time assisting in the repair of wounds in the body.
Turmeric psoriasis treatment therefore can be used for the alleviation of symptoms and this can be inexpensively done by ingesting the anti-inflammatory ingredients found in turmeric. This, in return will help prevent the inflammation that triggers the symptom flare-ups in the sufferer. Turmeric pills are available in different dosage but you could also reap the benefits by adding turmeric in your cooking.
Turmeric can be taken internally as a way of treating the body from different health conditions including lung congestion resulting from respiratory conditions like bronchitis. Additionally, turmeric can be applied on the skin as a remedy against inflammation. This will help to relieve the effects of psoriasis, acne, treat cuts and alleviate dermatitis.
Testimonials and success stories for turmeric psoriasis treatment
This success story is from a psoriasis patient who has tried turmeric and experienced some remarkable results. The patient inspires other psoriasis suffrers to try
The next patient takes turmeric in form of a supplement and this has so far proved to be an effective remedy for him. He seems optimistic that long term usage will sort him out eventually.
The next psoriasis patient also provides us with a very encouraging comment after the use of turmeric. His scalp had been challenged by this condition and he started using turmeric spices in his meals. The results were astounding.
This next testimony only sounds like a fairytale as the patient tells of his wonderful results after using turmeric in his diet. He says that the results were evident for him within a week.
This lady writes about how her daughter has suffered from psoriasis for long. Even though she had tried other remedies, none of them seemed to work until she opted for turmeric gel capsule. The results are tremendous and she has a lot of good things to say about the treatment.
The following patient has enjoyed the amazing healing properties of turmeric. Having experienced some major challenges from other remedies, he resulted to the use of turmeric which worked perfectly well for him.
Next is yet another success story that can be termed as very inspiring. The patient learnt about the benefits of turmeric and decided to give it a shot in dealing with guttate psoriasis that was challenging him. He uses the product along with other remedies such as gluten free diet and he has recorded remarkable results. His condition has virtually cleared up and he is living a happy life.
Negative Comments for Turmeric Psoriasis Treatment
Few negative comments exist about turmeric and this comment is from someone who says that her daughter condition worsened after using turmeric psoriasis treatment.
The next negative comment also does not show whether the one who posted had used turmeric while trying to treat psoriasis. However, he cautions against using the product if one has a Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
This is also another negative remark and it is not clear why the flare-ups occurred.
I was surprised by the amount of positive comments and success stories I read about using turmeric as a psoriasis treatment. The only drawback ios if you suffer from acid reflus or GERD taking it. Therefore I give it a very respectable effectiveness score of 6/10.
It will probably take a week or two before you start seeing any noticeable difference in your flare-ups. This however depends with the extent of the condition and the time will vary from one individual to the other. Remember, the turmeric psoriasis treatment is just a part of a total home remedy for psoriasis and should therefore be used together with other remedies such as gluten free diet to help accelerate the treatment of psoriasis and promote general wellness.
The simple answer is yes, the reasons being:
- It is relatively cheap
- Even if it doesn’t help your psoriasis it will help reduce any pain and inflammation in your body.
- It is a perfect aid for any psoriatic arthritis sufferers
- If you do not like taking fish oil supplements, you can substitute for turmeric to help reduce inflammation in psoriatic arthritis
By John Redfern founder of smartpsoriasisdiet.com | Google + Profile |
I have reduced my psoriasis by 95% through changes to my diet and introducing supplements to ensure my body is in its optimal condition. This enables me to control my psoriasis for good. I hope you can too by following my free eBook
FREE SMART PSORIASIS DIET PLAN EBOOK: How I Control My Psoriasis Through Diet & Supplements
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2. Packages and prices might be different if purchasing outside USA.
3. Smart Psoriasis Diet will not be held responsible for any product information and ingredients, or any ingredient changes of this product, or any product our company carries.
4.The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material.