Psoriasis Colon Cleansing Treatment - Smart Psoriasis Diet

Psoriasis Colon Cleansing Treatment

According to the recent studies, the health condition of the colon and intestines has a great impact on psoriasis. Intestinal permeability or dysbiosis is normally associated with things such as diarrhoea, constipation as well as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. These body imbalances are to blame not only for the deterioration of psoriasis symptoms but also aggravate a number of other inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Psoriasis specialists and chiropractic counterparts have found out that psoriasis begins from the intestinal tract and therefore the remedy can only originate from there as well.

Colonics or colon irrigation as commonly referred normally forces water into the colon through the rectum and this result into the etching away of the accumulated faeces lining the colon wall. The patient experiences some level of lightness in the intestinal area and this is normally one of the biggest benefits. Therapeutic course of colonic irrigations is highly beneficial to people suffering from all kinds of skin conditions including eczema, acne and psoriasis. With the skin being the biggest excretory organ in the human body, and therefore acts as a major excretion organ. Colonics psoriasis treatment, therefore, works fine in ensuring that the skin is healthy and thus able to function properly as it addresses the root cause of the problem. This is therefore highly effective and helps achieve what medication or skin creams cannot achieve.


FREE SMART PSORIASIS DIET PLAN EBOOK: How I Control My Psoriasis Through Diet & Supplements

Positive comments & success stories for colonics as a psoriasis treatment

The following success story helps outline the effectiveness of colonics as a remedy for people suffering from psoriasis. The patient’s overall feeling of wellness has been enhanced by the treatment and this works in encouraging him to complete the remaining six colonic therapy sessions. Its too soon to tell whether it has benefited his psoriasis but from my experience, if you feel good, then your psoriasis gets better.

According to the recent studies, the health condition of the colon and intestines has a great impact on psoriasis. Intestinal permeability or dysbiosis is normally associated with things such as diarrhoea, constipation as well as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. These body imbalances are to blame not only for the deterioration of psoriasis symptoms but also aggravate a number of other inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Psoriasis specialists and chiropractic counterparts have found out that psoriasis begins from the intestinal tract and therefore the remedy can only originate from there as well. Colonics or colon irrigation as commonly referred normally forces water into the colon through the rectum and this result into the etching away of the accumulated feces lining the colon wall. The patient experiences some level of lightness in the intestinal area and this is normally one of the biggest benefits. Therapeutic course of colonic irrigations is highly beneficial to people suffering from all kinds of skin conditions including eczema, acne and psoriasis. With the skin being the biggest excretory organ in the human body, and therefore acts as a major excretion organ. Colonics psoriasis treatment therefore works fine in ensuring that the skin is healthy and thus able to function properly as it addresses the root cause of the problem. This is therefore highly effective and helps achieve what medication or skin creams cannot achieve. Positive comments & success stories for colonics as a psoriasis treatment The following success story helps outline the effectiveness of colonics as a remedy for people suffering from psoriasis. The patient’s overall feeling of wellness has been enhanced by the treatment and this works in encouraging him to complete the remaining six colonic therapy sessions. Its too soon to tell whether it has benefited his psoriasis but from my experience, if you feel good, then your psoriasis gets better. colonics psoriasis treatment This next patient creates an impression of a very happy person who has immensely benefited from colonics. Other health challenges have also, courtesy of colonics, been cleared up in her body. Please note that it is worth persisting with and is not a quick fix. psoriasis and colon cleansing The following patient has gone through a rough time due to psoriasis and also having tried some remedies which haven’t worked. After going through seven colonic sessions he has gotten a reprieve. His is a clear testimony of how efficient colonics can be in helping to sort out psoriasis. colon cleanse and psoriasis The next comment shows a happy person basking under a wonderful success story. Her doctor, Andrea, has helped her overcome psoriasis using colonic hydrotherapy. psoriasis and colonic hydrotherapy Our success story below is from a wife of a man who has been undergoing colonics and his condition improved. Psoriasis colon cleansing treatment Colonics is not as difficult as it appears to be. The next patient enjoyed the session and is even happier with the result enjoyed so far. colonics psoriasis treatment scam Negative comments for colonics psoriasis treatment This next comment is from a patient who does not trash colonics fully but advises on the need to combine the courses with other remedies such as diet. She tried colonics alone and it did not work. Additionally, the patient cautions against using the therapy without getting rid of some habits such as alcohol and smoking. psoriasis and colonic irrigation reviews Colonics has proved to be a disappointment for this patient even after undergoing a few sessions. However, the patient points out that he underwent the colonic therapy about 20 years ago but does not clear says what happened. He advices patients to use alternative remedies in sorting out their psoriasis. detox colon cleanse for psoriasis This negative comment is from a psoriasis sufferer who clearly did not benefit from a colonic session. psoriasis colon detox benefits EFFECTIVENESS SCORE FOR COLON CLEANSE AS A NATURAL PSORIASIS TREATMENT I will give colon cleanse or colonic irrigation a 7/10 effectiveness score for treating psoriasis. The issue with this treatment is that it must be combined with complementary treatments, specifically dietary changes and a course of supplements. It can also takes quite some time to see the results, sometimes up to 6 months. HOW LONG BEFORE YOU SEE RESULTS? From the testimonies above we have seen colonics hydrotherapy is quite an effective treatment in dealing with psoriasis. For it to be effective however, the patient needs to undergo at least seven sessions. The beauty of colonic hydrotherapy is that it also helps clear up other conditions in the body as well. IS IT WORTH INVESTING TIME AND MONEY IN? ARE YOU EMBARRASSED TO TRY IT? I have tried colonic irrigation back when I was 16 and along with some dietary changes identified through an allergy test, I was able to clear up a very bad episode of guttate and scalp psoriasis. At the time I was so embarrassed that I think I only told someone about it 3 years ago (14 years later!). However I have found a way to get the same effects of a colonic irrigation without having to insert anything into the you know what! It is a detox drink that you take twice a day 1 hour before eating. I have fully detailed exactly how much to take and what to expect in my free "Best Diet For Psoriasis" ebook. I reveal how I control my psoriasis through diet, supplements and shakes. Taking the detox drink as described in the ebook was the turning point for me in controlling my skin condition. ABOUT THE AUTHOR John RedfernBy John Redfern founder of | Google + Profile | I have reduced my psoriasis by 95% through changes to my diet and introducing supplements to ensure my body is in its optimal condition. This enables me to control my psoriasis for good. I hope you can too by following my free eBook - The Smart Psoriasis Diet Plan.

This next patient creates an impression of a very happy person who has immensely benefited from colonics. Other health challenges have also, courtesy of colonics, been cleared up in her body. Please note that it is worth persisting with and is not a quick fix.

psoriasis and colono cleansing

The following patient has gone through a rough time due to psoriasis and also having tried some remedies which haven’t worked. After going through seven colonic sessions he has gotten a reprieve. His is a clear testimony of how efficient colonics can be in helping to sort out psoriasis.

colon cleanse and psoriasis

The next comment shows a happy person basking under a wonderful success story. Her doctor, Andrea, has helped her overcome psoriasis using colonic hydrotherapy.

psoriasis and colon hydrotherapy

Our success story below is from a wife of a man who has been undergoing colonics and his condition improved.

Psoriasis colon cleansing treatment

Colonics is not as difficult as it appears to be. The next patient enjoyed the session and is even happier with the result enjoyed so far.

colonics psoriasis treatment scam

Negative comments for colonics psoriasis treatment

This next comment is from a patient who does not trash colonics fully but advises on the need to combine the courses with other remedies such as diet. She tried colonics alone and it did not work. Additionally, the patient cautions against using the therapy without getting rid of some habits such as alcohol and smoking.

psoriasis and colon irrigation reviews

Colonics has proved to be a disappointment for this patient even after undergoing a few sessions. However, the patient points out that he underwent the colonic therapy about 20 years ago but does not clear says what happened. He advices patients to use alternative remedies in sorting out their psoriasis.

detox colon cleanse for psoriasis

This negative comment is from a psoriasis sufferer who clearly did not benefit from a colonic session.

Psoriasis colon detox benefits


I will give colon cleanse or colonic irrigation a 5/10 effectiveness score for treating psoriasis. The issue with this treatment is that it must be combined with complementary treatments, specifically dietary changes and a  course of supplements. It can also take quite some time to see the results, sometimes up to 6 months.


From the testimonies above we have seen, colonic hydrotherapy is somewhat effective treatment in dealing with psoriasis, however, I would prefer to read better-documented case studies. It seems for it to be effective, the patient needs to undergo at least seven sessions.


I believe the answer is no. If it takes 7 sessions to work, then why not do it naturally by just eating more fibre (raw veggie juicing if you want to see very quick results). Or if you are still not satisfied then look at using bentonite liquid clay and psyllium husk combination to add the movement of your digestive system.


John RedfernBy John Redfern founder of | Google + Profile |
I have reduced my psoriasis by 95% through changes to my diet and introducing supplements to ensure my body is in its optimal condition. This enables me to control my psoriasis for good. I hope you can too by following my free eBook


FREE SMART PSORIASIS DIET PLAN EBOOK: How I Control My Psoriasis Through Diet & Supplements

John Redfern